Payroll Deadlines
Payroll Deadlines
Classified Payroll Cycle: 15th to the 14th of the month (paychecks issued the 10th of the following month)
Due in Payroll Office by:
Classified timesheets: 16th of the month
Classified timecards/overtime: 16th of the month
Classified Payroll Cycles and Pay Dates 2024-25
Certificated Payroll Cycle: 11th to the 10th of the month (paychecks issued the last day of the month)
Due in Payroll Office by:
Certificated timesheets: 12th of the month
Certificated timecards: 12th of the month
Certificated Payroll Cycles and Pay Dates 2024-25
The deadlines are subject to change during the holidays to align with the Orange County Department of Education schedules.