School Facility/Developer Fees

Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Sections 65995 and 66001 authorize a School District's Governing Board to levy a fee against new residential, commercial, and industrial development within the District to fund the construction, reconstruction, or modernization of school facilities.



Step 1Visit the City/County

The developer or owner of the property must obtain a plan check or Building Permit School Fees Worksheet from the City of Los Alamitos, City of Seal Beach, or the County of Orange (depending address of the project).  

Step 2Visit the District Office

The developer or owner submits the Certificate of Compliance form (the City or County usually issues one with the plan review) along with the plan check receipt or Building Permit School Fees Worksheet to the Los Alamitos Unified School District (LAUSD) Business Office.

Step 3: Fees

LAUSD Business Office staff review the paperwork.  Fees are calculated based on the square footage of the project. 

Fees as of July 13, 2024:

Residential: $5.17 per sq. ft
Commercial: $0.84 per sq. ft.
Mini-storage: $0.05 per sq. ft.
Agriculture: $0.61 per sq. ft.

Step 4: Payment

The developer or owner of the property submits payment by in the form of a money order, cashier’s check, check, or credit card. Credit cards payments will incur a 3.06% processing fee. Checks can be made payable to "LAUSD". 

Step 5COC Form

The Certificate of Compliance form is signed, dated, and stamped and the developer/owner. The Certificate of Compliance (COC) form is assigned a COC Number and is logged in by LAUSD. Developer or owner will receive a copy of the completed COC form for their records.

Step 6: Submit completed COC form to City/County

The developer or owner returns the completed COC form to the appropriate City or uploads to the County’s online portal.


Business Office (Building D)
Los Alamitos Unified School District
10293 Bloomfield St
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Note: It is not through the double doors in front, but the first door on left side of building where a sign is posted "Fiscal Services Main Entrance". 
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday, Except Holidays
8:00 am - 4: 00 pm
Erika Guerrero
(562) 799-4700 ext. 80430