Visual and Performing Arts
The arts are a dynamic presence in our daily lives, enabling us to express our creativity while challenging our intellect. In Los Alamitos Unified School District, we provide students the opportunity to appreciate the many forms of human communication, including poetry, drama, music, dance, and art. We ignite students' passion for learning and awaken their special talents by providing a rich variety of experiences in visual, performing, and applied arts.
An education in the arts is a vital part of a child's education. Elementary students in LAUSD work with music specialists on a weekly basis and have the opportunity to participate in the school chorus. Secondary students in LAUSD can pick from a wide variety of visual and performing arts electives from visual art, dance and theatre as well as instrumental and vocal music.
If you need further information about the opportunities for students in the area of the arts please contact your student's school site or Ondrea Reed, Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services, (562) 799-4700 ext. 80462,
California Curriculum Frameworks and Standards
- Click here for the California Visual and Performing Arts Framework.
- Click here for the California Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards
CLICK HERE to view the 2016 All District Band & Orchestra Festivals flyer.