Personnel Commission

Office of the Personnel Commission

The Los Alamitos Unified School District utilizes the merit system which governs classified school personnel. This system is administered by the Personnel Commission which is composed of three citizens from the school district community who are appointed for staggered three-year terms. One Commissioner is appointed by the Board of Education, one is appointed by the employee organization, and the third is jointly agreed upon by the other appointees. The Personnel Commission, in accordance with California Education Code:

  • Hires and promotes employees on the basis of ability;
  • Removes appointments to positions from the political arena or personal favoritism;
  • Ensures that employees doing like work are classified the same and receive like pay;
  • Provides for fair and impartial rules and consistency of administration of the rules;
  • Assures fair treatment of applicants and employees in all aspects of personnel administration without regard to political affiliation, gender, age, or religious creed, and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights as citizens.



Complete a Los Alamitos Unified School District Classified Application electronically through by the application deadline noted on the job flyer.

Be sure your application reflects all relevant experience, paid or volunteer. Attach a supplemental resume or other description of experience if it is not adequately described on your application.

For positions indicating educational requirements, you must submit official or unofficial copies of education transcripts with your application by the application deadline. Transcripts can be mailed, dropped-off in person, or faxed to the Classified Personnel Specialist at 562-799-4712.


Applications may be screened to select qualified candidates.

The examination will consist of:

  1. Written Job Knowledge Exam (30% of Total Score)
  2. Structured Oral Exam (70% of Total Score)

Applicants must attain a passing score of 70% on each part of the examination in order to be placed on the eligibility list. Should a large number of candidates pass the written exam, a higher passing score than 70% may be required to progress. Those candidates not invited to the oral exam shall have an opportunity for the oral exam should the district need additional eligible candidates for the eligibility list. Review by applicants of written examination questions shall be allowed during the four working days following the administration of the test.

Physical Examination: Some classifications require you to pass a physical examination. This examination is at the district’s expense and the appointment is not assured until you have passed this examination.


2023/2024 Annual Report

2025 PC Meeting Schedule

Personnel Commissioners