Outdoor Science School

Outdoor Science School

The Los Alamitos Unified School District is proud to offer all fifth grade students the opportunity to attend Outdoor Science School (OSS). OSS has been a long-standing tradition in the District and allows our students to learn content standards in a real-world setting. The experience of OSS isn’t only of educational benefit to students, but also provides an opportunity for our students to foster independence and build stronger peer relationships.

School sites will host an annual parent presentation to share the amazing opportunity that students have with all parents and guardians.  OSS is a rite of passage in fifth-grade and students and families look forward to this trip every year.  Students board chartered buses to travel to camp together and stay in heated cabins with indoor plumbing.  The kitchen at camp is used to working with dietary needs of all types and the medical staff is prepared to help all students while at camp whether it be with daily medications or an injury while at camp.

It’s highly encouraged that all parents and guardians attend the parent information meeting to have all of their specific questions answered.  If you are unable to attend the parent information meeting a recording of the meeting will be provided below.

After attending the parent meeting and speaking to your classroom teacher, OSS Coordinator, or Principal, if you still have SPECIAL CONCERNS that you need to address with a staff member please fill out the SPECIAL CONCERNS form when completing the camp documents online.  A LAUSD staff member will be in touch with you to address the concern as your camper’s OSS date gets closer.  Depending on the nature of your concern the correct staff member who can assist you will be in touch whether that is the District nurse, health clerk, site administrator, classroom teacher or OSS Coordinator. 

Please use the google link provided by your school for any SPECIAL CONCERNS in lieu of contacting camp directly.  All students are the responsibility of the school site and District.   LAUSD employees work in partnership with the camp employees to assure all students have a successful experience at camp.  We want to value the time of the camp employees as there are students at camp every week that are their top priority.  Please allow us to streamline your concerns so that camp can focus on the students who are currently attending camp.

The OSS experience begins when students board the bus to camp and ends when students depart from the bus on Friday. We ask that parents DO NOT pick up their children from camp.  All early departures MUST be pre-approved, unless a child becomes ill,  is sent home due to disciplinary actions, or there is an emergency.  Our contract with camp stipulates that camp must be notified and approve early departures of campers. Please contact your school principal if you have a unique situation that requires going through the approval process with the District Office and camp for an early camper departure. Parents/Guardians requesting an early departure from camp need to complete and submit the Early Departure Request Form. 


All OSS Forms will be completed and returned to your students teacher.  

LAUSD Forms:

Return Trip Permission Slip

Early Departure Request Form


OSS Closet Dates

The OSS Closet will be available at each school site and will be coordinated by the school site OSS Coordinator.  OSS Coordinators will communicate details for their school directly to parents.


School Site Information for Outdoor Science School


OSS Coordinator: Amy Salter (asalter@losal.org)

Camp Dates: February 25 - 28, 2025

Special Concerns Form:  https://forms.gle/zwXbh9v3CQK6Xrs29



OSS Coordinator: Brent Thomas (bthomas@losal.org)

Camp Dates:  April 28 - May 2, 2025

Special Concerns Form: https://forms.gle/UJoKz8gGFNfivUcNA



OSS Coordinator: Trent Vierra (tvierra@losal.org)

Camp Dates: April 28 - May 2, 2025

Special Concerns Form: https://forms.gle/ZWSiCuxEKvcXedJY7



OSS Coordinator: Suzi Han (shan@losal.org) 

Camp Dates: March 4 - 7, 2025

Special Concerns Form: https://forms.gle/PheufhfCr23k3UjZA 



OSS Coordinator: Lisa Salmones (lsalmones@losal.org)

Camp Dates: April 28 - May 2, 2025

Special Concerns Form: https://forms.gle/kwkBBQ8DfcLzR4aB6



OSS Coordinator: Michiyo Ross (mnomoto@losal.org)

Camp Dates: February 11 - 14, 2025

Special Concerns Form: https://forms.gle/tPAS2C1sVbYZK68f7